Sunday 1 November 2009

The Book that changed my life - animatic

After de-constructing and then reconstructing the storyboard I already had (basically cutting it in half, taking the first half and expanding on it. It just didn't flow before, it felt too cramped for its 45 seconds and very disjointed) I now finally have something to work with. So I dismantled it and re-did it in time for crit. It's just a shame it took so long for me to work out what was wrong with the first version; I feel like I've wasted a lot of time.

I ran it through Photoshop and turned the post-it storyboard into an animatic, with the kind of soundtrack I'd like it to have. I might even keep this one, it fits so well, although it might be a little slow.

I quite like it like this, the pacing seems a lot better. I booked a dictaphone from Fairburn to do the narration on but the person I was meant to get it from didnt bring it back. I'll try again tomorrow.


  1. This is how I read the animatic. Someone plucks a book from the library then we see the excitement as their imagination runs wild with the story.
    But I think the start jumps too quickly. I had no time to get settled into the fun concept of your animation, it flung me straight in and I got lost. Maybe just a shot with her reading the book and an expression and movement that tells us she has forgot being surrounded by people in a library and is completely engrossed in the book. Then the zoom to her eye so you can visualise the fun exciting story we are intrigued by with her expression!

  2. Duly noted. Yes, it does skip that frame quite fast, I'll fiddle with it. Thanks for the feedback :)
