Thursday 14 January 2010

Advice from Ros's dad

"Do what you Like."

I think he meants with projects anyway.

End of semester 1

My last post on here was back in November, when I was still managing to hold things together. About a week/week-and-a-half later I kind of fell off the reservation for a while -it's been a difficult.. year actually. I wasn't expecting everything to dissolve so dramatically but it did and I suppose there's not much I can do about it now but I don't want to think about that any more.

So, before the marks come in I want think about what I've done this semester. I've managed 2 projects... and, honestly?

1) Scottish book trust sting (Book that changed my life): It's done 50-ish seconds long in total, using the song 'Fireflies' by Owl City (which I found before the single appeared on Radio 1, I'd like to point out). Quicktime STILL wont play it in it's proper proportions, and it's... It's okay. Good, not great, could have done better -well maybe couldn't have under the circumstances but still feel like I SHOULD have done better, somehow. I don't know, it's alright, I don't hate it but... meh. I don't think it's up to scratch.
I enjoyed editing the soundtrack. I'm good at that anyway.

2) LUSAD Christmas card competition: I like this one. It's not amazingly clever, and it's not going in a gallery anytime soon, but I still think it's a nice image. Could have put more snow on it though, doesn't look wintery enough after the weather we've been having -but then how much snow do we usually get anyway? This year was a bit of a fluke.

Next semester?: I don't know. I feel at the moment that I don't really like anything I draw 'properly', only my stupid little scribbles, and that I failed at animation and I don't know what I want. I don't know what I'm good at, I know I have to be good at something. You know what, that's enough of this. I'm not going to be self-pitying on a blog.
The end.