Tuesday, 25 May 2010


...at the work of Patricio Betteo. Question: Can he do no wrong? Answer: No, he cannot... or, wait I think that's a double negative, so... yes he can!


I bought his artbook 'Mirador' and it encapsulates one of the things I really enjoy about his work, his crazy lines. The book is purely black and white (and in my case came with a free lollypop!) but he's great at thinking in terms of shapes and not being afraid to stretch and bend things. Girls have huge semicircular legs and everything is built on some occasionally seriously odd shapes and proportions but it all holds together. Really interesting to look at.

The other thing is his use of colour, which is probably easier to show you than to tell you about.

He has a blog and some stuff scattered over the internet, but probably the best place to go is Patricio's deviantArt account

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