Monday, 15 March 2010

Formative Library Future

Hmm, it occurs to me that I should post more of my work up here. Problem is I don't really like the way blogs display images. Also I like having this place mainly for writing and linking to things other people have done, since so much of my world is full of my own work right now. Maybe if I decorated this place a bit more, put some wallpaper up, moved in some furniture, I'd feel more like hanging some pictures.

Had Formative Tutorials today, which was a pretty pain free experience. Me and Jemma seem to agree on my work, which is good, and the thing we agree on is this:
- I have made a successful recovery from Semester 1, am producing a decent amount of work, and it is of a decent quality if a little safe. This period has mainly been about me building my confidence back up, proving to myself I can still draw and come up with good ideas. And it has been successful in that respect. HOWEVER...
- Having proven this, I mustn't rest on my laurels. Yes I have shown I can do better than I did in Semester 1, but really that wouldn't be hard to do since it was pretty awful :) Now I have product work that is 'okay', that is my new minimum benchmark. The work for the second half of this semester should build on that and even the worst bits I do from now on should be at least at the level. The rest should be better.

To make this happen I should:
-Stick to this pattern of having a slightly large project in the background, which I flit in and out of in order to do smaller projects, generally about a week long. This stops the big scary things getting too big and scary. For the little things Jemma suggests some adult editorial work, maybe from magazine articles. I think this sounds good- I did an editorial illustration for Label as a kind of test for myself, and it went okay so something with a bit more sophisticated and imaginative scope would be good and help me think about my audience. Short things are good, because if they go wrong it doesn't matter.
- Do an evalutation after Easter of what are my best bits of work. Work out what is good about them and use those things as guidelines for producing future work.
-... I think there was something else but I maybe have forgotten what it was. I guess I'll find out when she sends the form through but I wanted to get this down while it's still clear in my mind.

On a final note - I went to the Library the other day to return 3 books, and came out with 6! I always do this!! They aren't even related, or clever or anything. One of them is a semi-reasonable story about 6 friends having mid-life crises. Why can't I just pick up something decent, like a Hemmingway or a Lewis or something? My appetite for books is such that I'll eat pretty much anything! *sigh* I did grab 2 Haruki Murakami's though, so that kind of makes up for it I guess.

Also, finally found a video of the 2010 Winter Olympics sting. What a cool advert! (I realise that's not the best analysis in the world, but it is very cool!)

It's one of those things that I look at and wish I could do one day. Bits of it I'm not even sure how they did it, it looks like 3D shapes that have been cel-coloured to appear flat, Galactic Football style.

My housemate Laura is doing a project on space and keeps blowing my mind with all these amazing things. Last night we watched a dvd over dinner about all the amazing stuff there is in space, and just how tiny we really are. Makes you think a lot.

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